
The Indie Podcaster with Kieran MacRae

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So long and thanks for all the fish

Kieran MacRae Podcast Marketing Puzzle Hey folks, Kieran here, as I'm sure you've noticed, you haven't heard from me in a while! That's because I've been making some decisions, and I've decided to close the Indie Podcaster newsletter. Past issues are live on my website if you ever want to refer back to them, as are the other articles on my website. But for me, it's time for a new project! If you have enjoyed my writing, you wil still find me writing A Walk and a Fried Egg. And I will be...

Kieran MacRae Podcast Marketing Puzzle Read on my website Read time Hey Reader! - Apologies for the radio silence on my end. I had to figure out a couple of things, but it should mean exciting things to come… Meanwhile, let's resule your regularly scheduled programming :) $29.00 Template Vault - Grow Your Podcast on Autopilot The secret to growing your podcast? A solid foundation. If you’re struggling to grow your podcast you’re not alone. ... Read more Get it now! Should you change your...

Kieran MacRae Podcast Marketing Puzzle Read on my website Read time: 2 mins Hey Reader! - Today's dispatch from the writing shed is talking about something interesting I noticed... Enjoy! Today's newsletter is brought to you by... The Template Vault Only the top 10% of podcasts get 500 downloads in the first seven days of an episode being released. In the last seven months, my podcast has gained 500 more followers while only releasing a single episode. This happened because I set it up to...

Kieran MacRae Podcast Marketing Puzzle Read on my website Read time: 3 minutes Hey Reader! - Did anyone see the Northern Lights last night?!? I had an incredible display of reds, blues, and purples right over my house. I love living in the country. Anyway, today I'm sharing a story about where I went wrong with my new podcast today. I hope it's helpful! New project alert Introducing the Slow Writers Club. A paid community for writers, podcasters, and solopreneurs dedicated to craft, quality,...

Read on my website Read time Hey Reader! - Over 400 people are now receiving this newsletter, which is madness to me. So thank you for being here and for reading. Truly. Anyway, I have boiled over with a rant in today's post, so without further ado, check out today's news below and read on. New project alert Introducing the Slow Writers Club. A paid community for writers, podcasters, and solopreneurs dedicated to craft, quality, and long-term projects. I'm doing the pre-launch this month to...

Read on my website Read time: 2 minutes Hey Reader! - I’ve got a new project I’m excited to share with you. The Slow Writers Club. It will be a paid community for digital writers who care about craft, quality, and long-term projects. It’ll feature live deep work sessions and a chance to connect with awesome people like you. Perfect for helping you get podcast scripts written. if it sounds interesting to you, join the waitlist here and I’ll send you the details. Affiliate Partner of the Week...

Read on my website Read time: 3 minutes Hey Reader! - A late Indian summer is hitting here in Scotland. The sun is out, and I am feeling excited about what's to come here at Podcast Marketing Puzzle. The video course is coming soon. Stay tuned. Today's newsletter is brought to you by... The Template Vault Only the top 10% of podcasts get 500 downloads in the first seven days of an episode being released. In the last seven months, my podcast has gained 500 more followers while only releasing a...

Read on my website Read time: 3 mins Hey Reader! - Excitement here as my wife has officially launched her online book shop! If you are in the UK, then check out the UK's coziest online second-hand book shop - Firecrackle Books Today's newsletter is brought to you by... The Template Vault Only the top 10% of podcasts get 500 downloads in the first seven days of an episode being released. In the last seven months, my podcast has gained 500 more followers while only releasing a single episode....

Read on my website Read time: 3 minutes Hey Reader! - My brother and I tore down my old shed this past weekend in anticipation of building my new office/studio. Now I have to shovel out all the rotten plywood that made up the old floor. Fun times ahead. Anyway, onto today's newsletter. Affiliate Partner of the Week Want professional-sounding audio? You need Auphonic. Brandon from the Mad Fientist podcast recommended Auphonic to me before Eilidh and I started Generally Spooky History. It was a...

Read on my website Read time: 2 mins Hey Reader! - Autumn comes early in Scotland, and the trees are starting to change. I'm watching the barley field out my window swaying in the breeze. This also means we're coming out of the summer slump, so here's to excellent podcast growth, everybody! Today's newsletter is brought to you by... The Template Vault Only the top 10% of podcasts get 500 downloads in the first seven days of an episode being released. In the last seven months, my podcast has...